Wednesday, April 16, 2014


This week I wasn’t sure what to write about so it is a little random. With that aside, yesterday I was watching the news and a story about a ranch owner in Nevada came up. The Bundy Ranch has been grazing its cattle on federal land for over years. Bundy claims that the land had been used in his family for gazing for decades. The government recently round up hundreds of his cattle and “impounded” them. Protesters and supports for the Bundy Ranch gathered and many were held back with tazers by police officers. Bundy is using to his defense stating, why is it now that the Bureau of Land Management is stepping in and taking away his cattle when he has been grazing there for 20 years. 
This news story reminded me of a disease I learned about last spring. Brucellosis is a disease caused by a type of bacteria. It can be transmitted by eating undercooked meat or drinking unpasteurized dairy products. (Drinking unpasteurized milk is typically more of an issue in developing countries but some choose unpasteurized methods because they think it is more natural. Well bacteria are natural and can be very harmful when ingested.) Cows are one type of carrier for this disease and their milk can be contaminated as well. 

This bacteria can also be inhaled or transmitted through wounds and mucous membranes. People who work in slaughterhouses, with animals, and meat-packaging factories are at highest risk. I have weirdly remembered this disease because my teacher had noted it could be also be found in barn dust. We have owned horses and cattle so it instantly stuck. Realistically it is more often than not found in countries that do not have effective domestic animal health programs. It is not a huge health topic that is talked about but if untreated it can lead to serious health problems. 


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