Wednesday, March 5, 2014

"Dallas Buyers Club"

On Sunday, Matthew McConaughey walked away with an Oscar for “Best Actor in a Motion Picture” for his role in Dallas Buyers Club

For anyone who has not seen this movie, it is based on a “true story” of Ron Woodroof’s  diagnosis of AIDS in 1986 and the events following. In the film he is a "homophobic" Texan who contracts HIV/AIDS from unprotected sex with a female drug user. His friends shun him, because at the time HIV/AIDS was largely associated with the gay community. His doctors give him 30 days to live, but he lives for 6 years after finding a drug in Mexico. He starts smuggling in non-FDA-approved drugs from Mexico and other countries to treat others. The Dallas buyers club was a club you could pay money to join to get these drugs. 

Whether you like or dislike Matthew McConaughey or the film in general, it does a good job of showing the Hollywood version of stigma that was attributed to HIV/AIDS in the 80s. Even though the movie may misrepresent the LGBT community during the time, the film still portrays issues that HIV/AIDS patients may have suffered. 

HIV is most commonly transmitted through sex or sharing of needles in drug use. It can also be transmitted from mother to child or any contact with infected blood or certain fluids. So why was there such a stigma with HIV/AIDS in the United States to begin with? Many of the first cases in the US were found in men who contracted it from having sex with other men. This started the belief that this was the only way it could be spread. In the early 80s it was even termed GRID or gay related immune deficiency.

I am a loyal fan of Grey’s Anatomy despite the fact that not all the medical references are correct. But there was an episode that touched on the topic of HIV/AIDS in the 80s. 

In the United States today, the records are set straight for how HIV/AIDS is obtained but too many believe it could never happen to them. Some individuals can have and spread the virus for years without knowing they have it due to its incubation period or ability to notice signs of a decreased immune system. Due to advances in medical technology there are antiviral drugs that one can take to prolong the HIV period and prevent AIDS. There are even some cases of individuals being "cured" or HIV free for several years without medication. These cases were only in adults and one infant who had early detection and treatment. (Source)


1 comment:

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