A healthy tan does not actually exist.
Yesterday I completed a survey that asked me about my indoor tanning habits throughout my lifetime. One question asked if I had used a tanning bed while knowing the risks associated with using a tanning bed. I answered “yes” as many other people probably also did.
When did having a tan become such a desired look? How is something that is so unhealthy be considered the way that “healthy people” look?
A pale complexion was a sign of wealth in the time of Queen Elizabeth. Lower classes were tan because they worked outside. That certainly changed with time. Eventually the lower classes were working in factories all day while the wealthier had leisure time to spend outdoors. Coco Chanel is often given credit for making the tanned look fashionable and appealing. Is this a fad that will eventually fade? Dermatologists sure hope so.
The rates of tanning are highest among non-Hispanic white girls. (Source) I hate to use this reference, but if anyone has watched the Jersey Shore TV show, they would know it has even become an issue even for men. The indoor tanning industry has grown rapidly in recent years due to the demand to be tan year long.
Some places in Australia have actually banned tanning beds. This is a 30 second Australian commercial about the dangers of tanning. It gives a better idea of how melanoma actually starts.
Healthy People 2020 even includes reducing indoor tanning as one of their goals for reducing melanoma:
- “Reduce the proportion of adolescents in grades 9 through 12 who report using artificial sources of ultraviolet light for tanning to 14.0%.”
- “Reduce the proportion of adults aged 18 years and older who report using artificial sources of ultraviolet light for tanning to 13.7%.” (Source)
Melanoma is the deadliest type of skin cancer that has been linked to tanning. Many believe that indoor tanning is just as bad as sunbathing outside. Realistically they are both unhealthy behaviors. The problem with the tanning beds is that individuals use them consistently throughout the entire year. This is way more exposure than a week’s vacation to the beach.
I know I have heard individuals say “ I am so pale I look sickly.” Ironically looking tan, is what people believe looks healthy.
I know I have heard individuals say “ I am so pale I look sickly.” Ironically looking tan, is what people believe looks healthy.